Emergency Contacts You Should Have In Your Phone
Emergencies can happen when you least expect them when you own a home. And when those emergencies do happen, you need to know who to call in an instant. You friends at Rock River want you to be as prepared as you can be for life in your new home. Which is why we have compiled a list of some of the most important professional numbers you should have saved in your phone.
Plumbing issues can be some of the most stressful situations and they can require immediate attention. That’s why having a trusted plumber on speed dial is essential. Ask family members and friends for recommendations. Once you have picked a plumber, maintain a good relationship with them. That way should an emergency come up, they will make you a priority.
Damaged roofing can cause major structural damage to your home quite quickly. Which is precisely why you should have a roofing contractor in your contacts as well. After a significant storm, it is common to have missing shingles. That’s why it is not a bad idea to have a roofer come out and inspect your property after a particularly rough storm. Doing preventative things like this and making repairs when needed is far cheaper than waiting for a major problem to present itself.
HVAC Technician
When it’s the middle of summer, the last thing you need is for your AC to go out. The same thing goes for when it’s winter and your furnace stops working. Extreme temperatures can be terribly uncomfortable and even deadly. Which is why you should have a trusty HVAC technician on standby as well. Having your HVAC systems inspected annually is good practice and doing so will help you build a rapport with your technician. And when an emergency does arise, you’ll know exactly who to call.
A Neighbor You Trust
Another good relationship to have is with a neighbor you can trust. Good neighbor relationships can mean that you have someone to rely on to keep an eye on your house when you are away for a couple days. Good neighbors will also report any suspicious activity they notice around your property. And good neighbors can be there should you need a cup of sugar. Just remember to do the same for them.
Ultimately, you cannot plan for emergencies, but if you have the numbers for these professionals in your contacts, you’ll know who to call when they happen.

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